jewess$41533$ - tradução para grego
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jewess$41533$ - tradução para grego

American Jewess

n. ιουδαΐα


·adj Of or pertaining to the Jews or Hebrews; characteristic of or resembling the Jews or their customs; Israelitish.


The American Jewess

The American Jewess (1895–1899) described itself as "the only magazine in the world devoted to the interests of Jewish women." It was the first English-language periodical targeted to American Jewish women, covering an evocative range of topics that ranged from women's place in the synagogue to whether women should ride bicycles. The magazine also served as the publicity arm for the newly founded National Council of Jewish Women. The American Jewess was a periodical “published in Chicago and New York between 1895 and 1899” in order to represent the ideas that were important to the American Jewish community during this time. This magazine, though it is not widely remembered in modern society, “was the first Jewish women's journal edited by women that were independent of any organizational or religious ties,” along with the “first English-language journal independently edited by women.”. During the magazines “four years of publication, The American Jewess presented items on contemporary politics, literary figures, aesthetic issues, and… practical matters” along with “book reviews and a children's department." In all of its publications, the magazine engrained its contents with “a Jewish political agenda as well as a feminist agenda,” both of which were often combined “to produce both a strongly Zionist and an early feminist publication." During its time in publication, the magazine published 46 issues throughout four and a half years, producing a circulation totaling approximately 31,000.